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This is a section about me, really.  It may serve to help you, or maybe not.  What I want it to do is give you more clarity about who I am, the impact of this man on my life and the lifetime of gifts he bestowed on me.


He was taken from this earth over 19 years ago but the lessons keep coming back and as I teach others and grow myself I find myself remembering them more and more.  The lessons didn't happen formally; they just evolved through his ability to let his daughter find her own path, to let her fail and learn through that failure.


The number one leadership value I learned was to take responsibility and that was the true source of all leadership.  I don't claim anything else for these lessons except that they are true and they are mine and I have been drawn to share them now. 

Parenting tips, Lessons from a dad, dad and daughter, Parenting solutions, Parenting memories, Leadership Trainer, Business Coach, life coach
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